This deluxe Croquet Set was originally introduced to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Croquet. Our Great Exhibition Deluxe Croquet Set is perfect for any Croquet enthusiast.
Our 8 Player Great Exhibition Croquet Set includes...
2x full size Oxford style, round head, English Ash Croquet mallets featuring brass rings and octagonal handles, 37.5".
2x full size Ascot style, Africa Bubinga hardwood, round head Croquet mallets, 37.5".
2x full size Hampton style, African Bubinga hardwood, square head mallets, 37.5".
2x intermediate mallets, 33".
1x set of 8 Croquet balls (90mm) with canvas carry cases.
1x set of 6 regulation, cast iron Croquet hoops.
1x hoop drill.
1x hoop smasher.
1x 8 colour winning peg.
1x corner flags.
1x set of 8 ball markers in canvas pouch.
Boundary markers & pegs
1x simplified Croquet rule book & 'Croquet - The Complete Guide' book
1x Oak stained wooden box.